
There’s a misconception that if you’re not injured or feel any pain after a car accident, there’s no need to seek medical attention. This is far from the truth.

Quite often, injuries don’t present themselves until days, sometimes a week after being involved in a car accident. Adrenaline, which blocks the pain receptors, can linger in your body for an extended period, thus masking any pain from injuries suffered.  Once the adrenaline has subsided and the chaos from accident is over, you may find yourself a day later sitting in your living room couch in excruciating pain.

Firstly, apprehension in seeking medical attention in a timely manner could result in overlooking serious injuries that could be diagnosed and treated right away. Secondly, the delay in seeking medical attention could also mean a reduced settlement amount. Insurance adjusters love seeing deferred treatment in medical records because it signifies that your injuries weren’t as serious as you may have been making them out to be. After all, if you were in so much pain, why didn’t you go to the hospital right away?

To avoid these issues with your case, seek medical treatment (i.e. urgent care/emergency room) so a doctor can document your possible injuries. This may make all the difference for your health and settlement amount.

If you have questions regarding how to seek medical treatment or general questions regarding your case, call Mercado & Sacramento, PC now for a free consultation!