
If your lawyer was successful in settling a car accident case for you or was able to get you an award at trial, you’re going to have to pay for any medical services that were provided to you for your injuries. Medical bills can be extremely costly and at times exceed what you obtain in settlement or at trial. Sometimes negotiating the reduction of your medical bills can be the one crucial stage in your case that determines how much money you walk away with after a car accident or if you even walk away with anything at all.

In a car accident case, some medical providers will treat on a lien, meaning that they’ll provide you with medical treatment on the condition that you promise to pay them from your settlement or award. Keep in mind that some medical providers refuse to treat on a lien because there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to pay them the full amount or you may obtain an unfavorable outcome in your case rendering you unable to pay at all.

If you’re able to be treated by a medical professional for your injuries on a lien and your case settles or you obtain an award at trial, now you must pay for all the treatment that was rendered to you. Just imagine that you were provided goods and services on credit, and now the doctors/medical providers are coming to collect.

A medical lien is a legally binding contract that you signed, promising to pay them back. These standard lien agreements are drafted very well, and almost always have terms that favor the doctor/medical provider. If you have a skilled personal injury lawyer, they should be able to negotiate a lower bill for the services rendered to you, so you can walk away with more money in your pocket.

If you’ve been involved in an accident by someone else’s negligence and need assistance paying for your injuries, contact us now at (510) 340-4LAW. Call us now for a free consultation.