Often insurance adjusters will minimize your claims based on the severity of the property damage. However, property damage is not a reliable indicator of injury, including in low-speed collisions.
What Happens When a Child Is Involved in an Auto Accident?
A minor child cannot sign a contract or other legally binding agreement. However, a child’s guardian or parent can sign a settlement agreement on behalf of the child if the child has a claim for injuries caused by an accident.
Property Damage and Medical Coverage for Bicycles
You can obtain insurance to cover property damage to your bike or medical bills for personal injuries in the unfortunate event you are involved in an accident while riding your bike.
Can I see a doctor even if I don’t have the money?
Many doctors will provide medical treatment on a lien and will request payment only after you collect your settlement. As such, it is possible for you to not have to pay for medical expenses out of pocket.
Calculating the Value of Your Auto Accident Claim
Though the value of cases differ based on specific circumstances, two of the most important factors when determining the value of your car accident claim are the property damage and the medical injuries.
Do Not Delay Filing a Claim or Seeking Medical Treatment
Oftentimes insurance companies reject claims and deny compensation for victims of a car accident simply because the claimant is delayed in filing a claim or seeking medical treatment.