Your Own Auto Insurance Is Not Your Friend

Your Own Auto Insurance Is Not Your Friend

Discover the truth about your own auto insurance after an accident. Uncover the misconceptions and pitfalls that could catch you off guard. Our latest blog post sheds light on why your insurance might not always be your ally and what steps you can take to secure the compensation you deserve.

What’s the Value of My Auto Accident?

What’s the Value of My Auto Accident?

It’s common for people to ask what the value of their auto accident is, but every case is different and there are a variety of factors that need to be taken into consideration before putting a price tag on it.

How Soon After An Accident Should You Get Medical Treatment?

How Soon After An Accident Should You Get Medical Treatment?

It is crucial to seek medical treatment immediately after an auto accident, as health should always be a top priority. While it is possible to go to the doctor on the same day as the accident, it is important to note that the timing of seeking medical treatment can affect the value of your claim.

Stay Off Social Media after an Auto accident

Stay Off Social Media After an Auto accident

After an auto accident, it’s crucial to stay off social media, especially if you’re claiming that you’ve been injured. Posting videos or photos of yourself looking uninjured can severely harm your case and even limit your ability to get the compensation you deserve.

Should You Pull Over After Getting Into A Car Accident?

Should You Pull Over After Getting Into A Car Accident?

You see it all the time – people outside of their cars after getting into an accident, talking to the other driver on the phone, collecting information, and interrupting the flow of traffic. This can cause a pile-up because of distracted drivers, and you or the other driver could get run over by cars flying by.